Making space for healing

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Trauma and (C)PTSD

Elly’s philosophy and approach to trauma work:

  • You are the expert about your own needs and life experiences.

  • When processing hard experiences, you have a right to go at your own pace, be in control, and be respected and heard.

  • Recovery does not need to be linear, neat, or inspirational to be impactful and meaningful.

  • Your unique strengths, insights, and self-knowledge can be powerful vehicles for healing and finding meaning.

  • Informed by knowledge of CPTSD and atypical trauma responses

  • Strong background in foster care, adoption, and group home care; chronic abuse and neglect, experiencing violence and assault

“Only to the extent that we expose ourselves over and over to annihilation can that which is indestructible in us be found.”

-Pema Chodron